Promoting Your Restaurant, Create Promotions to Boost Sales

If you’re thinking of building your future in the restaurant business, in addition to investing money and coming up with great-tasting dishes, location is a key factor that can open your door to success. However, if your restaurant isn’t situated in a dream location, and the location is both silent and hidden in a deep and secretive lane, and moving is difficult due to financial limitations, or if you have to take the torch in the business passed on to you by your family, it could be so depressing that you begin despair.

But don’t wait for fate to take your side. You have your mind and your two hands that will help create profit for you. So learn about some interesting online and social media marketing techniques to make your restaurant famous!

Make your restaurant known on social media.
Why sit around and wait for people to come to you when you can announce your existence to the world by creating a restaurant page on Facebook, websites and Instagram? In addition to creating channels for conveniently communicating with customers, you will be advertising your restaurant directly to your target customers. Just pay attention to taking awesome pictures and creating interesting clips, possibly by hiring professional help, and consistently post them on your pages. Instead of spending money on huge signboards at the entrance to your lane, invest on promoting your restaurant through social media. If you’re confident that your stuff is really good and you post mouthwatering posts, people will come try out your restaurant no matter how far it is located.

Food Delivery Partner up with food delivery services.
Increase channels for taking customer orders using online food delivery service applications such as GrabFood, Lineman, Get and Food Panda. This way you can provide an option to customers who don’t have the convenience to travel to your restaurant and even expand your customer base. Your restaurant’s distance and location will no longer be obstacles to people’s decision to visit your restaurant. The registration process of these service providers are easy, so go ahead and directly register with the application of your choice, and don’t forget to select some superb dishes to add to your menu and list prices clearly. In particular, if we create our listings in partnership with an application, our restaurant will show up on a list of partnership restaurants, so this is a productive online marketing method that can increase revenue to your restaurant without having to just wait for sales at your physical restaurant.

Pin your restaurant on Google Maps.
Is your restaurant pinned on Google Maps yet? If the restaurant already has a name, and you already promoted the restaurant’s page so it’s well-known, if people don’t know the directions to your restaurant, how will food delivery service users and direct customers access your restaurant? Start by loading and opening the Google Maps application. Search for the restaurant’s location and edit your location. Add a restaurant name that you think is unique and follow all the procedures. Within two weeks, your restaurant will appear majestically on Google Maps. Don’t forget to take great pictures of your restaurant and check-in by entering the restaurant’s location while you post to make it convenient for customers to follow Google Maps’ directions after visiting your page.

Marketing is a necessary activity for restaurants, and many new online channels can help restaurants reach more customers. However, restaurant owners must never forget to allocate a budget for marketing activities, since some spending might be required for some productive results. In addition, restaurant owners must know which channel will produce the best results before you make your investment.

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